May 21, 2015
Wine spills can be hard to clean up, and we’ve all done it – knocked over a glass at a friends house, or spilled your glass trying to juggle the TV remote! Here are Cleanway Edinburgh’s tips for dealing with wine spillages when they happen! For Clothing: • Blot up excess liquid. • Combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and liquid dish soap in a bowl and sponge the mixture over the…
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May 21, 2015
We’ve all been there – whether it’s decorating or craft activities with the kids, a paint spillage can be tricky to clean up. Here are Cleanway Edinburgh’s tips on dealing with the spillage and saving any tears! For Clothing: Most children’s painting products are made for easy stain removal using a laundry pre-treatment and regular laundering. For regular paint: • Drench the stain immediately using a can of hairspray to loosen…
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